An Evaluation of Existing Guidance Programs of TESDA Technology Institutions in the Philippines: A Basis for the Development of a Standardized Guidance and Counseling Program Framework for TVET School
(In partnership with Dr. Lorizza Mae P. Gacott of Puerto Prinsesa School of Arts and Trades (PPSAT)
The goal of this policy research is to come up with a standardized Program for TVET institutions to further address the changing dynamics of education and the world of work and career and to serve the clients holistically in terms of social, emotional, and mental development. Thus, with all these in mind, the TESDA Women's Center (TWC) initiated joint research with Puerto Princesa School of Arts and Trades (PPSAT) to address the above-mentioned issues and concerns as regards Guidance and Counseling Programs. These two institutions have an established guidance and counseling office, a functional Guidance and Counseling Program, and manned by Registered Guidance Counselors.
Its general Objective is to develop a comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program customized specifically for TVET. On the other hand, the research's specific objectives are: (1) conduct a national research survey of the Guidance Programs among the TTI's in the country; (2) develop an instrument to be used for the conduct of the evaluation of the Guidance Programs among the 123 TTI's in the country; (3) evaluate the available Guidance Programs and guidance related services from the 123 TTI's being supervised by TESDA; (4) design a Guidance Program Framework fitting for the implementation of the services in the TVET institutions; (5) Integrate the CGAP in the comprehensive Guidance Program for TVET institutions; and (6) Design a Guidance Program with appropriate programs and services for TVET trainees.
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