In-depth Analysis of Competency-Based Training Qualifying Test on Career Profile of Trainees of TESDA Women's Center as Basis for Localized Qualifying Test for TVET
To ensure quality Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), TESDA Women's Center (TWC) conducts a qualifying exam called Competency-Based Training Qualifying Test for incoming trainees. This kind of exam plays a vital role that can determine whether the applicants are qualified for the training program based on their knowledge, interest, and skills.
In spite of the benefits provided, the test only has two scopes that need to be more congruent in providing a chance of forming a well-built foundation in technical-vocational education in the present workforce. It only assesses the trainee's knowledge based on literacy and numeracy.
Relatively, the purpose of this study is to analyze the Competency-Based Training Qualifying Test in connection to the career profile of the trainees that may serve as the basis to develop a localized qualifying exam for incoming TVET trainees.
It utilized a quantitative approach to describe the test results in terms of the difficulty index and discriminating index of the test items. Moreover, it was also used to explain the results of Ebalwasyon para sa Competency-Based Skills Training Qualifying Test according to the content, level of difficulty, structure, instructions, language, and ethical or social.
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