The establishment of the TESDA Women's Center (TWC) formerly known as National Vocational Training and Development Center for Women (NVTDCW) started in 1993 when former Senator Leticia Ramos-Shahani met with members of the Japanese Diet.
Between 1996 and 1997 the Exchange of Notes for the Project was done. A grant aid from the Japanese Government thru the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), an amount of 2.620 Billion Yen (USD 23.82M) was provided for the construction of the Center which was inaugurated in 1998.
Initially, the TWC offered ten (10) Pre-Employment trainings focusing on Non-Traditional Trades (NTT) and now it has 21 Registered Training Programs and 18 Assessment Centers.
TWC was recognized as a 2008 Silver Awardee by the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) and Gold in 2018 until 2023. On its 5th cycle of APACC accreditation, the TWC achieves the prestigious PLATINUM LEVEL Accreditation and was tagged as the first Platinum Level institution in the Philippines.
In 2019, the TWC was selected as on eof the three (3) pilot institutions o f the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - International Center for Technological and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO - UNEVOC) International Centre
Skills for Innovation Hubs (i-Hubs) project in the Asia-Pacific, landing the total ten (10) pilot i-hubs centers around the world.
TWC as GAD Secretariat to the TESDA GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) assisted TESDA to attain the 2014 GADtimpala Award as one of the outstanding Gender-Responsive Government Agencies and 2019 GADtimpala Award for the TESDA - Coca COla Philippines STAR Program.