TESDA Women's Center Tracer Study of Graduates from 2016-2019
The purpose of a Tracer Study is to provide valuable information about the situation of graduates after completion of training. It is also a tool for assisting institutions in finding out the effectiveness and relevance of the training programs they offer. Evaluating the impact the training programs have had on its graduates will enable the institutions to deliver future program offerings more effectively. Since the TESDA Women's Center (TWC) aims to be the leading specialized institute of excellence in empowering women, it regularly conducted a Tracer Study of its graduates.
This Tracer Study gathered information on the employment status of graduates, challenges encountered after completing the training program, the relevance and impact of the training programs taken and suggestions and recommendations on the improvement of the contents of the curriculum from the graduates of 2016 to 2019. Relatively, it seeks to identify ways and means to assist the graduates on their present condition and employment status.
It utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis techniques covering the employment status, job experiences and challenges encountered by the graduates. It is in part, a curriculum and program assessment and evaluation if the graduates had effectively achieved their purpose of enrolling on their respective training programs.
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