TWC and Children International meet to forge new partnership
Children International (CI) is a leader in the movement to eradicate poverty that provides
access to: a safe place, a caring team, and a clear path out of poverty for the children through
programs focused on healthy behaviors, use of health services, education, empowerment and
The focus of CI is aligned with the mission of the TESDA Women's Center (TWC) as the lead
TVET institution of excellence in women empowerment by providing programs and services
geared towards quality-assured, inclusive and gender-fair Technical Vocational Education and
Training (TVET).
In a meeting held on July 25, 2018 at the TESDA Women's Center, the parties agreed to
collaborate in providing technical-vocational skills training, empowerment, and employment for
the youth. The meeting was attended by Mr. Joseph Jerome Sibonga, CI Employment
Coordinator, Mr. Jeffrey Mark Santos, Community Center Coordinator, and Ms. Isabel Anne
Ignacio, Program Field Officer. The TWC team was joined by Ms. Maria Clara Ignacio, Center
Chief, Ms. Mylene Somera, Supervising TESD Specialist, Ms. Gerrelen Balbin, Training
Management Unit Head, and Ms. Lucy Tabu, Research, Advocacy, Partnerships and Linkages
Unit Head.
The TWC is advocating for more women to enrol in traditionally male-dominated courses such
as Plumbing, Bartending, Automotive Servicing, Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing
(EPAS), and Welding. The training programs are offered for free at the TESDA Women's Center
in Taguig City.