Strengthening the TWC-SEPCO partnership in EPAS under the DTS

A meeting with Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation (SEPCO) and TESDA Women's Center (TWC) on strengthening the partnership training in Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing (EPAS) NC II under the Dual Training System was held at the TWC, Taguig City on July 24, 2018. Both parties were absolutely committed to sustaining and strengthening the partnership program for women to be trained in EPAS NC II. With regard to the ways forward, both agreed to work together for the competitiveness of the graduates such as giving recognition for excellent achievement during the training, and documenting testimonials of successful graduates to capture the power of stories. The meeting was attended by SEPCO officials namely: Mr. Patrick Tolentino, Corporate Marketing Director, Mr. Norman Nicholas Garcia, CSV and Government Relations Head, and Mr. Ariel Matibag. From the TWC, the meeting was joined by Ms. Maria Clara Ignacio, Center Chief, Ms. Gerrelen Balbin, Training Management Unit Head, Ms. Lucy Tabu, Research, Advocacy, Systems Development Unit Head, Ms. Jennifer Caoile, Trainer, EPAS NC II, Ms. Melina Faith Deinla, Industry Coordinator, and Mr. Aries Glenn Montesines, TESD II. After the meeting, the group visited the trainees enrolled in Electronic Product Assembly and Servicing NC II at the TWC.