TWC Holds GFPS Assembly and Training on Gender MainstreamingEvaluation Framework (GMEF)

The TESDA GAD Focal Point System (GFPS), through TESDA Women's Center as GAD Secretariat, will conduct the TESDA 2023 GFPS Assembly and Training on Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF) on October 23-27, 2023 at Hotel Seoul, Clark, Pampanga, aimed at the GAD focal persons from Central Office and seventeen (17) Regional Offices to understand the concepts and applications of gender mainstreaming in the TVET.
The GFPS Conference with the theme: "Fostering a Gender-Responsive and Inclusive TVET Culture to Strengthen TESDA's Gender Mainstreaming Efforts and Initiatives" highlights the role of the Authority's GFPS to inform and engage its focal persons regarding the fundamental principles and concepts, facilitate an in-depth discussion on GAD mandates and gender-based issues in TVET, provide knowledge and skils in assessing the Authority's progress in gender mainstreaming, and update TESDA's GMEF score and gender mainstreaming level.
The Chairperson of the TESDA GFPS-Executive Committee and Deputy Director General for Policies and Planning, DDG Rosanna Urdaneta, leads the GFPS to ensure an in-depth understanding and appreciation of GAD programs and advocacies among the GAD focal persons in the TESDA Central and Regional offices.